Recent events have revealed considerable insecurities in existing business approaches and also pointed the way toward future innovations. For example, the Covid-19 pandemic accelerated the transition of remote meetings and work-from-home employment patterns from their old role of being nice ways to save money to a new role as essential capabilities for ensuring business continuity. Similarly, US – China technology friction has led to greater diversification of supply chains with redundancy in multiple countries in addition to China.

This presentation will examine the relationships between two major engines of business growth, namely globalization and innovation, and (a) big changes that have been widely anticipated, especially the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and (b) sudden changes that were unexpected, e.g. the Covid pandemic. In so doing, it leads to an interactive discussion of capabilities that will allow technology intensive companies to thrive in a more uncertain world.
Dr. Richard Dasher, Director of the US-Asia Technology Management Center and Adjunct Faculty at Stanford University
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